Two Points of View
Every day I receive excellent correspondence from my web page readers who share my cooking enjoyment. Recently, I received an informative email on preparing the often-baked potato.
We all know how to bake a potato.
Well, let’s look at it from a cowboy poet of view.
Potato Poetry
The second email is from Fred Engel, a part-time Park City local known as The Cowboy Poet. Fred has been writing cowboy poetry for over twenty years, spent numerous nights on the range, and cooked a few potatoes.
Here is his version of how to bake a potato from a "cowboy's point of view."
An Idaho Spud
He said, "I'll take a potato, a russet,
You know, an Idaho Spud.
And I'd like you to bake it for me,
Please, if you would.
Don't wrap it in foil or cut it with a knife,
Bake it like I tell you,
If you treasure your life.
Just stick it in the oven at about 400 degrees hot.
If you don't cook it like that,
You might as well let it rot.
Now for about an hour,
you can let it bake,
And if you do like I say,
You can't make a mistake.
Then blossom it nicely when you serve it to me
Just poke it with a fork, like this here...see?
Then push on each end, so it can fluff right up.
And...u better bake two. One might not be enough!"
And from "my point of view," don't forget the sour cream and chives!
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