What Is Bone Broth & How Is It Used?
Bone broth has been used for centuries for nutrition and healing in many cultures. It is made by simmering animal bones, typically those of chicken, beef, or fish, for a prolonged period, along with vegetables and herbs. The result is a flavorful, nutrient-rich broth that is believed to have numerous health benefits.
One of the main benefits of bone broth is its high nutrient content. Bones are rich in vitamins and minerals like calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, which are essential for strong bones, teeth, and overall health. Bone broth is also a good source of collagen, a protein found in connective tissues like bones, tendons, and cartilage. Collagen is essential for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails and supporting joint health.
More Bone Broth Benefits
Another potential benefit of bone broth is its ability to support the immune system. Studies have shown that bone broth can help reduce inflammation in the body, often a precursor to many chronic diseases. In addition, the amino acids found in bone broth, such as glycine and arginine, may also help to support immune function by stimulating the production of white blood cells.
Bone broth may also be beneficial for digestive health. The gelatin found in bone broth can help soothe and heal the gut lining, which is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system. Additionally, bone broth is rich in amino acids like glutamine, which can help to improve gut barrier function and reduce inflammation in the gut.
There is also some evidence to suggest that bone broth may have anti-aging benefits. Collagen, which is found in abundance in bone broth, is essential for maintaining healthy skin elasticity and hydration. Unfortunately, our bodies produce less collagen as we age, leading to wrinkles and sagging skin. Consuming bone broth may help to replenish collagen levels in the body, leading to more youthful-looking skin.
How Is It Made?
So, how do you make bone broth? It’s pretty simple. Start by selecting high-quality bones from grass-fed or pasture-raised animals, as these will contain the most nutrients. Chicken bones are a good option for beginners, as they produce a milder flavor.
Place the bones in a large pot or slow cooker with any desired vegetables and herbs. Some popular options include carrots, celery, onions, garlic, and thyme. Cover the bones with water, and add a tablespoon or two of apple cider vinegar, which will help to extract the nutrients from the bones.
Simmer the broth for at least 12 hours or up to 24 hours for beef bones, skimming off any foam that rises to the surface. Strain the broth through a fine mesh sieve and store it in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to use.
Bone broth can be a comforting drink or a base for soups, stews, and sauces. It can also be added to smoothies or used as a replacement for water when cooking grains like rice and quinoa.
What Is the Difference Between Bone Broth and Stock?
Bone broth and stock are made by simmering animal bones, but the two have some differences.
One of the main differences is the cooking time. Bone broth is typically simmered for a longer period, usually at least 12 hours, while stock is usually simmered for 6-8 hours.
The longer cooking time for bone broth allows more nutrients and minerals to be extracted from the bones, resulting in a richer and more flavorful broth.
Another difference between bone broth and stock is the addition of other ingredients. While both typically include vegetables and herbs for added flavor, bone broth often includes other ingredients like apple cider vinegar, which helps draw out the nutrients from the bones, and often includes adding meat or connective tissue, which can add more flavor and nutrition to the broth.
Finally, the intended use for bone broth and stock may differ. While both can be used as a base for soups, stews, and sauces, bone broth is often consumed as a comforting and nourishing drink, while stock is more commonly used as a cooking ingredient.
While bone broth and stock are similar in that they are both made from animal bones, there are differences in the cooking time, additional ingredients, and intended use, resulting in different flavors and nutritional benefits.

Does It Taste Different From Stock?
Yes, bone broth does taste different from stock. This is because bone broth is typically simmered for longer than stock, allowing more flavor to be extracted from the bones and other ingredients.
Bone broth often has a richer and deeper flavor than stock, with a slightly thicker consistency due to gelatin released from the bones during the simmering process. This gelatin can also give bone broth a slightly more viscous texture than stock.
In addition, bone broth often includes additional ingredients like vegetables, herbs, and spices, which can contribute to its unique flavor profile. For example, many bone broth recipes call for adding garlic, onions, and ginger, which can add a slightly spicy and savory flavor.
Does It Need to Be Organic?
While organic ingredients are generally considered the healthiest and most environmentally sustainable option, using them when making bone broth is not strictly necessary.
The most important factor when making bone broth is to use high-quality bones from a reputable source. This means choosing bones from animals raised without antibiotics or hormones and, ideally, fed a natural, grass-fed diet.
While organic bones can undoubtedly be a good option, they may only sometimes be available or affordable. In these cases, making a nutritious and delicious bone broth using high-quality bones from a non-organic source is still possible.
While organic ingredients are generally considered healthier and more sustainable, they may not always be the most critical factor in determining the overall nutritional value of a food. For example, bone broth made from non-organic bones can still be a great source of nutrients like collagen, gelatin and minerals like calcium and magnesium, essential for supporting joint health, digestion, and immune function.
How Do You Know If It Is Made with Animal Bones with Antibiotics or Hormones?
It can be challenging to know whether the bones used to make bone broth come from animals that have been given antibiotics or hormones. However, there are some steps you can take to help ensure that you are using high-quality bones from a reputable source:
- Look for bones from grass-fed animals: Ideally, you want to use bones from animals raised on a natural, grass-fed diet, as these animals are less likely to have been given antibiotics or hormones.
- Choose bones from trusted sources: When purchasing bones for bone broth, look for reputable sources prioritizing high-quality, sustainably raised animals. This may mean buying from a local farm or butcher or purchasing bones from a trusted online source.
- Ask questions: Be bold and ask questions about the animals and farming practices used to raise the animals from which the bones were obtained. A reputable source should be transparent about how their animals are raised and fed.
- Check labels: If purchasing bones from a grocery store, look for labels indicating that the animals were raised without antibiotics or hormones. While there are better ways to ensure the quality of the bones, it can be a useful starting point.
By taking these steps, you can help ensure that the bones used to make your broth come from high-quality, sustainably raised animals, which will help ensure that your broth is as nutritious and flavorful as possible.