Chef Water Staib Interview: Preserving History Through Food

Chef Walter Staib

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Interview with Chef Walter Staib

“Always be willing to experiment and try something new.” – Chef Walter Staib

Chef Walter Staib is a third-generation restaurateur with over 40 years of kitchen experience. He saved Philadelphia’s historic City Tavern Restaurant, which was established in 1773. This landmark once served as the social and economic hub of a young nation.

You may have spotted Chef Staib on popular cooking shows like Cooking Live with Sara Moulton or Keith Famie’s Adventures. Soon, he’ll host Cooking with History, a new series airing on CN8 in the Philadelphia area.

Chef Staib’s accolades are impressive. He’s received the Knights Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Seven Stars & Stripes Award for Excellence in Hospitality, and the Five Star Diamond Award for both Chef and Restaurant. Food Art’s Silver Spoon Award is just one more honor in a long list.

He’s also an accomplished author with three cookbooks. The City Tavern Cookbook explores 200 years of American recipes, while the City Tavern Baking and Dessert Cookbook shares simple, historical desserts. His third book, Black Forest Cuisine, highlights grilling techniques.

I met Chef Staib at a cooking class and was thrilled when he agreed to this interview. Please read on to find out more about his passion for history and cuisine. Don’t miss visiting City Tavern—Philadelphia history at its finest!

Chef, When did you realize you wanted to be a professional chef?

Growing up in the Breuninger family (my mothers maiden name) really sparked my interest in the culinary arts from a very early age.  Growing up in this family of chefs and restaurateurs, I knew early on that my life would somehow revolve around food.

Out of this long line of relatives, brothers, sisters, cousins and nephews, my family always believed I was the one who would commit to a culinary career.

Who inspired you most as a young cook?

My uncle Walter, My aunt Ruth, and of course my mother.  At the age of four, I started spending most of my free time in the kitchen at my aunt and uncles establishment, Gasthaus zum Buckenberg.  My uncle worked mostly in the butcher shop, while my aunt spent most of her time cooking and organizing daily menus.

What Did You Learn From Them?

They always told me that a culinary career was hard work, but very rewarding.

Did you go to culinary school and if so where?

I attended school in Lucerne, Switzerland.  Later, I attended the University of New Hampshire Center for Constructive Change.  In addition to the training I received working with my family; I also had a wonderful apprenticeship at the Hotel Post in Nagold at age 14.  This is where my formal training really began.

This elegant hotel was renowned for its cuisine and many high-profile patrons, including Napoleon Bonaparte.  I was quite lucky because by the time I began my three-year apprenticeship, I had already acquired ten years of cooking experience at the Gasthaus zum Buckenberg.  I was so lucky because I was already familiar with the routines of a professional kitchen and was armed with a wealth of knowledge.

How were you trained and what was that like?

It was a lot of work!  There were mostly a lot of really tough, long days.  Most of the time we worked 6 days a week for 14 hours a day.  By the time I completed my apprenticeship I really had achieved the status of a young professional chef.  The military-like system in which I trained had taught me much, but I knew I still needed more experience in order to advance in the culinary field.

Can you recall a funny culinary student story and share it with us?

There are so many stories!  When I first started my apprenticeship, I was asked to hang up spaghetti so it would dry.  They told me to hang each piece individually with a clothespin.  I actually did it, but then realized that the joke was on me.  It was funny, but I got my revenge.

What was your first job as a professional cook and what was that like?

I was a commis (trainee but with lots to do) at the Sommerberg Hotel in Bad Wilbad.  It was pretty tough because I was much younger than my peers.  However, it provided me with the proper experience I needed to advance in the culinary field and further refine my expertise.

What would you say to a novice in the kitchen to help them get over their fear of cooking?

Just cook. Ppractice makes perfect.  And to always remember one important thing, do not experiment with new recipes or cuisine when entertaining guests!

What 2 mistakes do you see home cooks make?

The most common mistakes are not following recipes and not having the proper equipment.  I think these two things are very important.

What is your favorite style of cooking and what about that style most appeals to you?

Pan-Asian.  It is light, healthy, and flavorful.  It is about joie de vivre!

In your opinion, what are the most important elements when creating a recipe from scratch?

  • Use whatever is fresh and readily available.
  • Make sure you have all of the necessary ingredients.
  • Always be willing to experiment and try something new.

What is your favorite cooking gadget?

Spice grinder or a coffee grinder.

What 5 cookbooks would you recommend every home cook own?

  • City Tavern Cookbook
  • City Tavern Baking & Dessert Cookbook
  • Black Forest Cuisine
  • Larousse Gastronomique
  • Professional Cooking by Wayne Gisslen

What is your favorite spice to cook with and why?

My favorite is allspice.  It is so versatile and it has such a unique flavor especially when you grind the berries la minute.

What is the most underrated ingredient in your opinion?


As a professional chef, what was your funniest kitchen incident?

Once, I had a VIP banquet.  The dessert was a beautiful souffle.  We put it in the oven and proceeded to prepare the remainder of the dinner.  I forgot one important thing, to check and make sure the oven was on.  As it turned out, it was off and the souffles were never cooked.  Instead of serving the guests a succulent souffle, they got a story as to why there were none.

What cooking tips would you recommend to every home cook?

  • Always make sure you are working with the proper temperatures.
  • Use the freshest, best ingredients you can find.
  • Follow the recipes as they are written.
  • Make sure to store food properly in a safe environment.

When cooking at home, what do you like to prepare for yourself?

I do not usually cook for myself at home because there is never enough time.  When I do, I enjoy a nice hearty stew.

What is your signature dish or your favorite recipe?

New York Strip Steak la Café de Paris.

Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the interview.


5 Responses

  1. He is so inspirational, he always makes me hungry to try something that is old but new to me and my family

  2. I also was born in 1946. I have passion for cooking, my style is like yours, which I learned from my mother. I so enjoy your “Taste of History”. I think your are the best of the best…..Warmest regards, Suzanne ….

  3. Dear Chef Staib:

    I absolutely admire your talent and TV shows. I am of Eastern European decent, Polish, and have fallen in love with your personality and intellect! I am trying to get to Phili for the June cocktails and dinner on the L’Hermoine ship. If I had a “bucket list” you would be on it!

    Most sincerely,
    Dianne C. Chec
    Chagrin Falls, OH 44023

  4. I love the Taste of History on Ket. I use to watch it every Saturday.It was so exciting, with the history, food, cooking over an open fire. The hard work, as well as rewarding to be sure. I on the other hand prefer eating. It’s such an honor to watch a Master chef enjoying bringing his talent and experience to the masses.

    Happy New Year!

    P.S.People should bring back cooking with lard. I am originally from the Country, and remember my mother cooking with lard. It tastes so good, food came alive under it’s spell!

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