Alabama Montana
Alaska Nebraska
Arizona Nevada
Arkansas New Hampshire
California New Jersey
Colorado New Mexico
Connecticut New York
Delaware North Carolina
Florida North Dakota
Georgia Ohio
Hawaii Oklahoma
Idaho Oregon
Illinois Pennsylvania
Indiana Rhode Island
Iowa South Carolina
Kansas South Dakota
Kentucky Tennessee
Louisiana Texas
Maine Utah
Maryland Vermont
Massachusetts Virginia
Michigan Washington
Minnesota West Virginia
Mississippi Wisconsin
Missouri Wyoming
  Online Schools


How to Find a School

There a many top-rated Culinary, Baking/Pastry, and Hospitality Management schools throughout the US and Canada as well as Online. Here you will find both for-profit as well as not-for-profit schools and depending on your location, budget or educational needs, find the school that works best for you.

The easiest way to find a culinary, baking or hospitality school in your location is to select your state from above, find the city near you where you want to attend school, then click on a school to learn more about it. Most of the links will take you to an informational page I’ve built to give you some basics about each school with links directly to the school where you can fill out and information request form.

Once you fill out the school’s information request form, a representative from the school will most likely contact you with additional information including details about their programs, scheduling, entry requirement, financial aid and how to apply.

Please note, some links on the state pages will take you directly to the school where you can learn more about them. And if you do contact the school, please let them know you found them on The Reluctant Gourmet website.  Thanks.