King of the Grill
First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who sent in a cartoon caption. They were all great—some different, but I enjoyed every one of them. Two really stood out for me: Josh Baugher’s “Honey, I’ve got everything under control” and Evelyn’s “It’s not burnt, it’s Cajun!”
This is one of my favorite cooking cartoons featuring The Reluctant Gourmet. It shows an ambitious RG grilling something with an out-of-control charcoal fire, but he remains calm, telling the fireman at his side, ready to put out the fire, that everything is under control and he is cooking Cajun style.
Why is this grill flaming up? One reason is that it wasn’t appropriately cleaned the last time it was used. Another may be that the meat or chicken he is grilling is not being sprayed with water to control the flames. If you want more grilling tips, I suggest you check out my post, 8 Tips To Grill Like A Pro.
Use of cartoons
These cartoons are all copyrighted, so please do not use them in any way without permission.
131 Responses
What a great idea!
“Did you come for a turkey burger?”
“Ok, so maybe I did add a little too much charcoal!”
“Honey, I’ve got everything under control.”
“I knew I should have purchased leaner beef!”
Cook to fireman: “I think you squirted a wee bit too much fire starter there!”
OK, so that myth’s busted–you can’t apply the olive oil marinade with a pressure hose!
“This is the fourth time this month, Mr. Kindle. Please do not use your grill when cooking with wine.”
“I’m sorry. Again.”
“Sorry I accidently took the grill off.”
I happen to like Josh Baugher’s a lot, but here’s mine:
“The opposite of grilling and chilling”
“I can’t BELIEVE you didn’t invite me to your BBQ, Bob, especially after what happened last time!”
“You said to cook on high, right?”
“Oh well, who likes their burgers well done?”
“Fire Department be dammed, their just about done.”
“Ok, so I burnt the steak. What are you going to do….squirt me?
Honey, I know I agreed to dress up as a fireman, but I didn’t realize this is what you had in mind!
Is that all you’ve got? I’m not spraying till you turn up the heat!
Blackened fish again, Sir?
“Do you mean I was supposed to remove the wrapping and defrost the burgers BEFORE I put them on the grill ?!?”
Thank goodness for carry-out!
Just hold it steady so I can flip these things.
Burnt crisp…. like a duck?
“Don’t try this at home.”
“I thought I told you not to buy the new Bobby Flay book!”
“Fireman Fred was not happy he pulled cookout duty again.”
“Your wife put us on standby.”
“I said trial by fire, not higher fire. “
“Are you here for emotional support?”
“Honey, the nice fireman is here in case things get out of hand.”
“All right RG, back away from the grill!!
“Do you know RG, there’s 106 cats waiting because of you?”
Sir, didn’t you have a full-faced beard 3 seconds ago?
Sir, can you spell pyromania?
Would you believe my boyscout son did this with a twig and a small rock?
This is how my grandfather learned to moonwalk
I like it HOT HOT HOT. Whats the problem?
Mom! It looks like dad’s done with the burgers!
It’s Pizza Time!!!
Looks like you put a little “too” much hot sauce on there….
It’s my famous fire-roasted peppers Sir!!!!!!!!!!!
You said you wanted it well-done.
They call it carmelization!
It’s not burnt, it’s cajun!
But the recipe said “flame broil”!
“Mrs. Reluctant Gourmet was beginning to regret buying her husband the ‘Real Man’s Grill’ Cookbook.”
“Sir, you do know you need a license to burn in the city limits?”
“Mr. Jones thought the burgers would cook faster if he removed the ‘low’ setting.”
Sorry……You did say ‘rare’.
I told her she should do this herself, I didn’t know what I was doing!!!!!
Hey, I’m just searing the steaks!
It’s called Steak Tatar Flambé! It’s SUPPOSED to do that!
Nobody panic! This is how I planned it.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire!
I like my bacon crisp!
But I’m CERTAIN this is the way Bobby Flay did it….
i’m cooking this the way my mom did…I was raised on “charcoal is Good For You”
” I though I cleaned this BBQ out last spring, who wants flaming ribs?”
Who called the fire department???? I have this completely under control.
A new meaning for hail, fire, and brimestone.
I guess we’re beyond the ‘ol squirt gun trick here.
“Your wife called us. Step away from the grill or fry trying.”
Maybe playing “Hot Stuff” by Donna Summer inspired me a little TOO much…
“Put it out??? It took me 5 gallons of gas to get it going this good!”
“No sir, I will *not* ‘get out of your kitchen.'”
It’s a new receipe! I call it Dante’s Inferno!
well hello its steak a la flambay.
i thought the fire department liked all their food, well done, welcome to the party!!!
dang! the dogs gonna eat good tonite….
Honey, I’ve told you before that those juices are gone forever when you turn up the searing so very high.
I don’t know whether I should spray you or the fire!
“Oh, hello Bill! Your a little early for the barbecue.
I forgot to ask you, how did your want your ribs done again?”
“The charcoal coating the stake is good for your health!”
But they ordered their steaks well done!
According to the Fire Chief, we’ll be coming here instead of our usual fire drill routine!
Bob had learned from past experience that the fire department was a necessary part of his BBQ mise-en-place.
Dinners cooked, the company is here and she’s still on the phone!!!
“How to invite your local firemen to your barebeque?”
I’m GLAD I spent the extra money on the automatic sprinkler attachment!
Honey, I know you like the burgers well done, but that’s pushing it.
I’m sorry, but rare is not an option at this point!
Lighter fluid seemed like such a great way to flambe on a grill
You never heard of Hot Dogs flambe??
” Just gimme one more second…I like it super crispy!”
“Where’s the meat? “
Now where do I put the meat thermometer?
There goes our environmental Carbon credit for the month!
No dear, I don’t need Directions!
Holy Smokes! or should I say Holy Smoker!!
“So . . . if I understand what you’re saying, officer . . . Baked Alaska does not need 4,000 BTU?”
“You say ‘fire’, I say flambe’ !”
Raise your hands and step away from the grill……
“Like I said last time, sir, gasoline is not substitute for lighter fluid!”
“Mom, it looks like Dad’s cooking again!”
The general comment in my house as I was beginning to cook. That or the smoke alarm going off in the house.
Just in time for my “Fireman’s Special”
Well, You did say you wanted it char-broiled!
Showing off in front of your friends? Priceless.
Uhm….flame grilled….uuurrrrrr (A La Homer Simpon)
BAM! That kicked it up a notch!
Now thats what I call well-done!
All right…10 more seconds and we squirt in the juice…full blast or drizzle you say?
When you said we’d be role playing, I was picturing more of a French Maid outfit….
AND the smoke alarm in the house IS going off TOO!
Well done.
Back out! I’ve called for a chemical air drop.
Come to think of it, at least we got the fire going this time around.
This wouldn’t happen in Australia!
you did say you wanted your steak very well done did you not
This one is from Oswaldo who sent it to me by email.
“Just in time for my “Fireman’s Special!”
” I think Dad is taking the ‘Five Alarm Hamburger’ recipe a bit too literally.”
You might consider a leaner cut next time.
BURN baby, BURN !!!
oops, I did it AGAIN !!
“Oh $#@%! My hotdog!”
HOLD OFF!! The steaks are ALMOST ready!
This is why I don’t prepare my Cajun Chicken in the house.
“Thanks for coming to supper, excuse me whole I turn the steak over. “Â
OK Sam, I teach fire safety at scouts tomorrow night!
Whooooa!!! Where’d my moustache go????
you’re right honey- this was some “HOT” recipe
“Hmm, needs a little more fluid.”
Don’t they ever feed you at the firehouse? Every time I’m cooking outdoors, you guys show up!
I don’t get it…one little fire and everyone gets excited!
Boy meets grill and local Fireman.
“Holly molecular gastronamy, Asbestos Man”
“Excuse me Sir, your in violation of SLOW FOOD MOVEMENT”
“Sir, please step away from the grill, put down your spatula and Chef’s hat.”
Honey, bring out the meat the fire is almost ready!!
Wow! The new insta-grill 10000 works great!
Whoa, too much Bourbon on that Chicken!!!!
The grill: $100
The charcoal: $25
Meat: $15
Fireman comes to your house: …..Priceless!
brontasaurous burger anyone?
Barbecue Bob’s wife stands by the ready
Barbecue Bob’s wife is not amused
Got Water?
“Drop it like it’s hot” , says the fireman.
Hey! Honey, I,m in the mood for Pizza tonight
“Ok sire, your gonna have to put that grill in the house or we are leaving.”
Fireman: “I said medium to rare!”