The Thrill of the Grill Cartoon

Cooking Cartoon about Grilling

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Air Fryer
Ninja Air Fryer

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Nugget Ice Maker
Nugget Ice Maker

King of the Grill

First, I would like to say thank you to everyone who sent in a cartoon caption. They were all great—some different, but I enjoyed every one of them. Two really stood out for me: Josh Baugher’s “Honey, I’ve got everything under control” and Evelyn’s “It’s not burnt, it’s Cajun!”

This is one of my favorite cooking cartoons featuring The Reluctant Gourmet. It shows an ambitious RG grilling something with an out-of-control charcoal fire, but he remains calm, telling the fireman at his side, ready to put out the fire, that everything is under control and he is cooking Cajun style.

Why is this grill flaming up? One reason is that it wasn’t appropriately cleaned the last time it was used. Another may be that the meat or chicken he is grilling is not being sprayed with water to control the flames. If you want more grilling tips, I suggest you check out my post, 8 Tips To Grill Like A Pro.

Use of cartoons

These cartoons are all copyrighted, so please do not use them in any way without permission.

131 Responses

  1. “This is the fourth time this month, Mr. Kindle. Please do not use your grill when cooking with wine.”

    “I’m sorry. Again.”

  2. “You said to cook on high, right?”

    “Oh well, who likes their burgers well done?”

    “Fire Department be dammed, their just about done.”

  3. “Do you mean I was supposed to remove the wrapping and defrost the burgers BEFORE I put them on the grill ?!?”

  4. “Don’t try this at home.”

    “I thought I told you not to buy the new Bobby Flay book!”

    “Fireman Fred was not happy he pulled cookout duty again.”

    “Your wife put us on standby.”


    “I said trial by fire, not higher fire. “

  5. “Mrs. Reluctant Gourmet was beginning to regret buying her husband the ‘Real Man’s Grill’ Cookbook.”

    “Sir, you do know you need a license to burn in the city limits?”

    “Mr. Jones thought the burgers would cook faster if he removed the ‘low’ setting.”

  6. Honey, I’ve told you before that those juices are gone forever when you turn up the searing so very high.

  7. “Oh, hello Bill! Your a little early for the barbecue.
    I forgot to ask you, how did your want your ribs done again?”

    “The charcoal coating the stake is good for your health!”

  8. “Mom, it looks like Dad’s cooking again!”

    The general comment in my house as I was beginning to cook. That or the smoke alarm going off in the house.

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