Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Never go to the supermarket with a list of ingredients, but when you get there, you realize there are many more choices than you imagined. This can easily happen when you are shopping for potatoes. Most markets have a huge selection of them; what you buy depends greatly on what you will do with them. So this cartoon depicts the Reluctant Gourmet at the market trying to figure out which potatoes to buy and what to make with them.
Copyright Use of Cartoons
These cartoons are copyrighted, so please do not use them in any way without my express permission.
119 Responses
New Baby Potato were grown in a gene bank vault below freezing point and the potatoes was protected by meter-thick walls of reinforced concrete, two airlocks and high security blast-proof doors.
One potato, two potato, three potato… four?
Five potato, six potato, seven potato… more!!!
“Now what kind of potato did she say to get?”
One Potato, Two Potato, Three Potato, Four?
One potato, two potato, three potato, four—-
One potato, two potato, three potato, four, five potato, six potato, seven potato,,more!
Boiled, Baked, Fried, Steamed… Yikes too many choices!
Let me think, was I to pick up potatoes or po-ta-toes?
I hope they don’t have their eyes on me.
These go with what?
I wonder if I can fit ONE MORE into my chef’s hat?
Hmm, I’m finding the new potato. Now, where’s the pre-owned?
I can’t remember whether that was potato or potatoe…
And when I enlisted, they told me I was going to be a chef!
Sooo many spuds, so little time……
Where are the french fries??????
“Make something easy,” she says, “like potatoes.”
Irish stew I presume needs Irish potatoes See any green spuds here anywhere?
Hmmm… can’t remember what Chef Nelson’s recipe calls for — russet, Idaho, baby whites, baby reds??
Eanie, meanie, miney, mo…..which potato–heck if I know!
Did Chef David say to pick up mealy potatoes or waxy ones??
Oh c’mon, where’s the sweet potatoes?
I wonder if I call them “BARNEY” potatoes if the kids will eat them?
You say potAAAAtoe, I say potAHHHto… but it seems that something has been added to the translation at the store.
It’s hard to concentrate with so many “eyes” on me!
Where are the low fat potatoes?
Why am I so confused?
Atkins must be turning in his grave…
When life gives you potatoes, make chips.
Gosh where did my daughter put her rock collection!!!
now let’s see.with all theses wonderful choices of potatoes, my mind is begining to spudder.
“So if these potatos are new does that mean the rest are old or just finely aged?”
Sweet potatoes or yukon gold potatoes…..Hmmmm. I can use either in a pie right?
mama miah what have we here?
“And I thought making mashed potatoes was going to be easy!”
“Enie minie minie my, catch a potato by the eye”
“Who said cooking potatoes was easy?”
“Gold potatoes with red plates or red potatoes with gold plates? Or should I just choose the purple ones to match the flowers in the centerpiece?”
one of these and a six pack of beer could be a seven course meal!!??
Gee, how am i going to explain this to my wife.
Why do I feel like bursting out with… “The hills are alive with gourmet potatoesss lalalala”!?
Too involved, Too confused
I wonder what Purple Potato salad would look like?
And at that moment, the young chef decided to specialize in low carb cuisine.
“I should have brought my wife….”
“Who says carbs are dead?”
“Talk about yoyur carbo loading!”
I think its time to go low carb!
hmmm, now where did my cell phone get to….
Purple Potatoes, Gold Potatoes? But my
Alma Mater’ colors are Scarlet and Silver. What do I tell the chairman of the entertainment committee?
Spuds MacPlentie
Why did my wife make me wear this stupid hat and apron!
Now which one of these will go with that new white wine I bought yesterday…Mmmm?
What? Now even *potatoes* are politically correct??
So many potatoes,
so little time!
My wife is always asking are you a fruit or a nut.. Mmmmm
mashed. smashed. twice baked.
potatoes aren’t the only one in hot water
1) Awww spuds!!!!!
2) I feel like I’m being watched, but there’s no one around.
3)I’ve got my eye on the potato in the middle, but I can’t get to it.
“Why am I wearing my chefs hat at the grocery store?”
“I’ll need to use this funny hat to carry all these.” Where are the instant mashed potatoes?
“The eyes have it!”
which color of potato will color coordinate with Meatloaf and green beans?
i think i will make a rainbow potato salad.
Okay…For a no complain guarantee I’ll get a pound of each.
and I thought trans fats were a problelm
Why o why did I tell my wife she could go out with the girls tonight?
Like in the scene fron Jaws…
I’m gonna need a bigger shopping cart!
Lot’s of good ones here RG! Tough choice.
1. Oh, if only I weren’t colorblind!!
2. What goes better with collard greens? Purple or gold potatoes?
I can find the parsley, sage, and rosemary, but I just can’t seem to find the thyme!
Try as he might, Bob eventually went home without finding the “french fried” potatoes.
which ones can you smash?
Hmm… now, was it Potatoes or Batata?
There are too many colors! why are you putting preasure on me!
“Someone pleeease tell me I don’t have to peel them all!”
Gee–they look awfully big to fit on a skewer!
How DO you make twice-baked potaotes on a barbecue grill?
I wonder–is potato-stuffed potatoes overkill?
“Where are the french fries?”
Russet, Purple, Yukon, but where are the Mashed?
What did one potato say to the next potato? I’ve got my eye on you!
Tu-ber… or not tu-ber…
Potat… oh…
Pick a potato, pick a potato, I know not what to pick??? Cook with potato, cook with potato ……help ! Help! help me quick!
Hmm….they never told me this would be like going to Starbucks for a cup of coffee….
I now understand why this was a punishment in the Army……
po? ta? toes? which one????
purple? red? yellow? brown? are all these potatoes???
So many taters, so little time ….
What are scallions again?
these potatoes are so stressing…
One potato, two potato, three potato… four?
I wonder if they all taste like potato?
Ok…I give up…where’s the # to the nearest pizza place?
Oh! for a normal-potato
Where are the Wafers???
Well… the recipe only said 5 large potatoes. I wonder wich ones they’re talking about?
guess i have to start my lessons all over again!
Chip potatoes …. chip potatoes ….chip potatoes …. I gotta get a life !
“Maybe we should just have rice tonight!”
Hmm, all I wanted was some white potatoes.
Why is everyone staring at me? Is not “cool” to wear your apron in public?
Should I get new potatoes or the old ones
Now… where the heck are the mashed potatoes?
Yu-kon pick this or you can pick that…
I-Da-Ho what to do!
Should I Take one of Each? After-all, I Am a Gourmet, and I am Reluctant to take just one and Miss out on All of the Selective Flavors! or should i get more?
What in the world is wrong with me? I’m already forgetting what I need and now I’m seeing purple potatoes!
Befuddled by spuds.
I think potatoes are in season now?
Hmm…They asked for potatoes…but..which ones?
all i can do is just spud around
wasn’t this suppose to be the flower market!?
I think I’ll head to the instant aisle.
well……..let me think it first,
Pick up the right color to make the right taste.
Hello, I really like the cartoon of the man scratching his head looking at the potatoes. I am wanting to use it for a diet program I run. I did not see a way to purchase the rights to use the cartoon. Could you direct me to one.
Hi Rochelle, at this time none of my cartoons are available for licensing and are fully copyrighted although I may make them available in the future. Thanks for asking and not just taking. – RG
I’ve stumbled across a potato rainbow!
lets get to the root of the matter…
do they all stem from the same root…