Seagull Stealing Gourmet Sandwich Cartoon

Funny Food Cartoon with Seagull

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Those Damn Seagulls Stole My Gourmet Sandwich

In truth, I never brought Kobi beef with black truffle mayonnaise sandwiches to the beach, but I thought it would make for a better caption. However, my bologna and cheese sandwiches were ripped from my hands several times.

These menacing birds are scary, especially when they grab food from the kids’ hands. It’s like something out of Hitchcock’s movie The Birds.

When our girls were little, we had them eat their sandwiches under their beach towels to keep the eagle-eyed seagulls from seeing them eat their food.  It helped, but they would take their chances if they let their guard down and ate their sandwiches out in the open.

If you’ve spent time at the beach, I’m sure you’ve had similar experiences. You break out a sandwich or a snack, and the next thing you know, dozens of seagulls circling overhead, looking for a chance to dive for your food.

It’s a little like the gulls in the movie Finding Nemo, all screaming Mine, mine, mine.

What’s Your Experience?

If you have had a similar experience with food on the beach, I’d love to hear your story. Please let us know in the comments section below.

Copyright Use of Cartoons

These cartoons are copyrighted, so please do not use them in any way without my express permission.



One Response

  1. On a unusually warm December day in San Francisco, California, I was enjoying fish and chips. The sea gulls were more like vultures just waiting for a chance. One tried to snatch a fry but instead hit my head knocking my glasses off. I was able to keep them from getting my meal.

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