How to Make the Very Best Demi Glace Sauce for Steak
My youngest daughter, who is just six years old, has to do a report at school on what her favorite food is. Most kids report on macaroni and cheese, pizza, and pasta with butter, but Maddie will talk about filet mignon with demi-glace sauce.
Yeah, one of the oddities of being the Reluctant Gourmet’s daughter. Not that Maddie is an adventurous eater, especially regarding meats (she doesn’t even like hamburgers), but for some strange reason, she loves steak, especially filet Mignon with a rich brown sauce I make with demi-glace.
If you have spent time on my website, you will see I love to make sauces for beef, chicken, and fish; hey, I like to make sauces. I believe anyone can learn how to sauté a chicken breast or grill up a strip steak, but if you want to serve your family and friends a meal that will really “wow” them, you need to serve it with a rich, lush, delicious sauce.
Whether using my 5-Step Method for Preparing Quality Brown Sauces or Making an Incredible Pan Sauce, you must start with the right ingredients. Most of the ingredients you already have at home include butter, shallots (or onion), red wine, and some fresh or dried herbs (fresh are better), depending on the sauce you are making, but the one ingredient you most likely need is demi-glace.
Why? Because real demi-glace is a pain to make at home. It would be best to have pounds of veal and beef bones, and you better have a lot of time on your hands to reduce the brown stock to a glace without burning it.
This is why professional chefs consistently reduce stocks in their kitchens, so they always have demi and other stock reductions on hand to prepare those rich, velvety sauces.
Restaurant Quality Demi Glace is Available
Several well-received commercial demi-glace products are now on the market. Williams Sonoma has a demi-glace, but they also have a very good Marsala sauce prepared from demi-glace.
What’s so amazing about having these commercial demi-glace products available now is that I can make restaurant-quality sauces in less than 20 minutes that are as good as any that I’ve been served in some excellent restaurants.
Check out my Grilled Steak with Peppercorn Sauce or Wild Mushroom Sauce. And if you ever thought about making a classic, restaurant-quality Marsala Sauce, you’ll need demi-glace.
2 Responses
I know what you mean, I made some demi, which I am very proud of, and added some reduced pomegranate juice, over filet mignon, my kids loved it, not counting my wife and mother-inlaw.
Good demi is hard to make, time consuming, but very rewarding when you use it.
“In the orchestra of the kitchen, the Saucier is the soloist”
-Fernand Point
Beef steak has always been my all time favorite dish and i am always looking for some new recipes that has steak as the main ingredient.